Ironman Arizona

Ironman Arizona

Monday, April 13, 2009

Been a While

March was a busy month so I haven't posted in a while. Kailin had a birthday, Kaleb had a birthday and we had an anniversary this month also. That along with a camping trip and about 60 hours of OT at work between training things I went to and just shift OT didn't leave much time to post much.

I've got some pictures of Kona as he is getting big. He is probably close to 60 or 70 pounds now. He has started obedience training also.

Kaleb is starting baseball so he has practice twice a week so that keeps us busy also. I have been fighting a couple of injuries to my right knee and hip that have thrown a wrench into my training so that hasn't been so good. I had an MRI on my hip last week that showed some type of damage in the hip socket. So I'm not sure exactly what that means but I am feeling much better now and have started back training so hopefully it will hold out until after the ironman.

Anyway, other than that things are business as usual.

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