Ironman Arizona

Ironman Arizona

Friday, July 18, 2008

Momma is down for the Day!!!

Well, it finally hit her. She kept saying she couldn't believe how good she felt for the first two days and then today came. She did get sick but only once so that isn't too bad. She has slept most of the day and pretty much just is waking up to take her pain medication. I won't say I told her so, but....

The mom in her just wouldn't let her lay down and do nothing for the past two days. So today her body made her sit down. She has been exhausted all day but is still being a trooper. Everytime she wakes up she asks somebody to come over for a hug and a kiss. Kind of like a drunk person except she isn't being loud and obnoxious...yet.

The kids are doing pretty good, we have been keeping them pretty busy. We had a couple friends over this afternoon which kept them busy for a bit. What another couple people for lunch when your already cooking for 7? Anyway, today was the last day of swim lessons and football camp is over.

Hopefully momma will be back up and at it tomorrow. Smelly Ellie, That is our kitty, is enjoying having mommy down. She finds her wherever she is at and parks it on her. So at least the kitty likes Kristi not feeling well.

1 comment:

Anthony and Kristi said...

Awww...that's too bad that Kristi ended up getting sick! We'll keep praying, for sure!!

Love you guys!